SfM on-the-fly: Get Better 3D from What You Capture
Zongqian Zhan1, Yifei Yu1, Rui Xia1, Wentian Gan1, Hong Xie1, Giulio Perda2,
Luca Morelli2, Fabio Remondino2, Xin Wang1,*
1.School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R.China
2.Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Overview of on-the-fly SfM Multi-agents on-the-fly SfM platform

Over the last decades, Structure from Motion (SfM) has been a constant research hotspot in the fields of photogrammetry, computer vision, robotics etc., whereas, real-time performance is widely concerned, recently. In this project, we present a new online SfM, namely on-the-fly SfMv2, based on our previous on-the-fly SfMv1 which runs online SfM while image capturing. The new updated version (on-the-fly SfMv2) is now with three significant improvements to get better from what you capture:

First, online image matching is further boosted by employing the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graphs, which can result in more true positive overlapping image candidates are faster identified;

Second, a reasonable self-adaptive weighting strategy is employed for hierarchical local bundle adjustment, which is expected to improve the SfM results;

Finally, but most notably, we incorporate with the capability to deal with images from multiple agents, and multiple reconstructions are seamlessly merged into a complete model when commonly registered images appear.

The comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our on-the-fly SfMv2 is able to generate better results from what is captured, in particular, a more complete reconstruction is yielded in a more time efficient way, yet state-of-the-art SfM results are obtained.


Beta version Executables(exe) and App
To test our on-the-fly SfMv2, we primarily conduct following experiments: (1) online image retrieval with HNSW, (2) adaptive hierarchical weighting for local bundle adjustment, (3) the capability for dealing with multiple agents and multiple submaps.

Then, numerical comparisons with two mutual SfM packages (Colmap and OpenMVG) and our previous on-the-fly SfM (v1) are reported to show the accuracy of our method regarding orientation result.

All experiments are run on the machine with i9-12900K CPU and RTX3080 GPU.
A total of 7 datasets of various scenarios are tested to evaluate our on-the-fly SfMv2. The details of the 7 datasets are as follows:
Name Image Num Source Catogry Num of agents Origin
XZL 226 Self-captured Close-range 2 Download link(Wait upload)
YD 291 Self-captured UAV 1
YX 349 Self-captured Close-range 1
JYYL 356 Self-captured Close-range 3
fr1_xyz 798 Public Close-range \ Tum
UniKirche 1455 Public UAV & Close-range \ UniKirche (Michelini and Mayer, 2020)
Alamo 2915 Public Crowdsource \ Alamo (Wilson and Snavely, 2014)

2.Running Parameters
In our experiments, there are some free parameters needed to be selected:
Parameters Value Introduce
max_elements 10000 corresponding HNSW graph can store up to 10,000 data points
ef_construction 200 each element’s dynamic candidate list contains up to 200 elements during graph construction in HNSW
M 16 each data point in the graph is connected to at most 16 other points in HNSW
Top-30 30 For online sub-reconstruction, each newly fly-in image selects the Top-30 most similar images for subsequent image matching and geometric verification.
Lh 4 the maximum number of levels in the hierarchical association tree
Top-8 8 Top-8 most similar images in each level to participate in local bundle adjustment

3.Fast image retrieval based on HNSW
For fast image retrieval, we compare 3 methods: exhaustive retrieval (compares all already registered images and the newly fly-in image) vocabulary tree and HNSW used in on-the-fly SfMv2. The results are as follows:
Here are the results for the time efficiency of retrieval as the number of images changes, based on the Alamo dataset.

4.Adaptive weighting local bundle adjustment
Here is a comparison of the performance of bundle adjustment between the current system (v2), the previous system (v1), and Colmap.

Capability for multiple agents and sub-reconstructions of on-the-fly SfMv2(compared with on-the-fly SfMv1) are shown as follow:
Complete reconstruction by v2 Sub-reconstructions by v1
Reconstruction of XZL
Reconstruction of UniKirche
Reconstruction of YD
Reconstruction of JYYL

This work was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61871295, 42301507), Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (No. 2022CFB727) and ISPRS Initiatives 2023.

Michelini, M., Mayer, H., 2020. Structure from motion for complex image sets. ISPRS J.Photogramm. Remote Sens. 166, 140–152.

Wilson, K., Snavely, N., 2014. Robust global translations with 1DSFM. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Springer, pp. 61–75.

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